Friends of Crowborough Hospital

Registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales. Charity No. 231379

May 2023 Newsletter – New Breastfeeding Café a Real “Hit” With Mums

The new breastfeeding café launched on 27th April in the hospital day centre has proved to be an immediate “hit” with new mums. The first week saw 6 mums and babies attend, which by the second week had risen to 14 mums and babies plus a few older toddlers.

2: Breastfeeding Café (cont)

3: Funding Support

4: Maureen Bagwell

5: Social Day Service News

6: Friends Lunch & AGM / Fete News

7: Donations & In Memoriam

8: Membership of the Friends

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”FoCH Newsletter May July 2023″]

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