Friends of Crowborough Hospital

Registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales. Charity No. 231379

February 2023 Newsletter – Minor Injuries Unit One Year On


Minor Injuries Unit One Year On – 9500 Patients

The Crowborough Minor Injuries Unit re-opened after 6 months winter closure in February 2022. Since then, the unit has been busy every day, and open 7 days a week from 8am to 8 pm. One year on from re-opening, over 9500 patients have attended the MIU which has been much appreciated by those patients and helped many to avoid the need to attend A&E at Pembury. We are immensely grateful to the Emergency Nurse Practitioners and support staff who provide this much valued and important “urgent treatment” service at the heart of our community.

Also in this months issue:


2. Christmas at the Hospital

3. Jeni’s Talking Bench

4. Outpatients

5. Social Day Service News

6. Donations & In Memorandum

7. New Breastfeeding Café

8. Membership of the Friends

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